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The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us | If you see us behind you give us protection, if you see us beside you give us respect, if you see us against you no mercy! | We don't forgive we don't forget we are the legion!
Facebook Slay queen,Charlotte Abena woody from ghana die 27-10-2018

FACEBOOK SLAY QUEEN from ghana beuty facebook user announs she die bcuz of mooney,known as Charlotte Abena woody was die on 27_10_2018 after long ilness.
Some people say she die bcuz of Iphone 7+
she snaching his boysfriends known as SAKAWA BOYS,IN ACCARA GHANA.
the girls is model beuty,but she dont hv resfect if u are a poor boy.
We have ,SAMUEL KOFI AGYARE is old boyfriend,he sai dis girl was saying am bread bakers,she dont love me,how cant care with her life.
So,its lesson to some girls want rich boys but she dont know from were they find money.
sakawa Boys;is a group of ghanian badboys they using internet any how to find money,they loking a beuty girls an use their feeling to sold he1 blood any how.
Created at 2018-11-02 01:01:58
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